Our History
Howick Preparatory School is the educational home of 670 boys and girls between the ages of 5 and 13. These are crucial years in the development of any child, and as well as providing a good academic education, we believe in a holistic approach and in developing the creative side of our learners.
Established in 1877, at 144 years old, the school is the oldest in the Howick area and has many achievements to its name, including helping in the development of a very successful Springbok Rugby captain, Gary Teichmann. The school made its first appearance in official records in 1904, although not on the present site. The school as we know it today was opened on 24 September 1957. In 1969 the Junior Primary School (Grades 1 – 3) was established. The two schools amalgamated in 1987 to form the Howick Primary School; later the name was changed to Howick Preparatory School. Grade R, named the “Hoppers” was offered from the beginning of 2013.

To provide a progressive and diverse education in a safe, supportive and happy environment.
To promote self-discipline and instill confidence in our pupils to encourage critical thinking and independent learning.
To develop as unique, balanced and compassionate individuals through a holistic learning experience.

Contact Us
Tel: 033 330 2070
Fax: 033 330 2050
Physical Address:
56 Harvard Street, Howick
Postal Address:
Private Bag X22